
Wanting to deep dive into MUTHead. Interested to know...

I've been on here for a fair while now and I've always used this as a general chat with other members / see new cards and title update info / MHC, the usual stuff 

I'm now really interested into diving head first and becoming more active within the community we have here.  I'd be interested to know any tips on MUTHead leveling, getting involved with clans, MH Honour and supporting MUThead by giving back any way I can for all this site has done to make the game easier and far more enjoyable.

I also am aware that the site has just gone under a bit of maintenance on the forum side of things and some of this stuff will be much easier to give info on once that is finalised.

A lot to read here so thanks for taking the time out to give it a look! Any information helps greatly. Looking at you level 99 100+ mut honour people!!!!!

And let's go cards!!!

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