
Drew Brees LTD Question

Will he 100% be able to be upgraded with training points in a week? 

Want to stock up on 8k training since its cheap to do now and im not paying 1.2M coins for him.


I have max powered up Brees on my CHargers now and really want this card to keep him maxed. With the chems I run he'd play at 95-96.


Quote from yeahbaby_1738 >> Will he 100% be able to be upgraded with training points in a week? 

Want to stock up on 8k training since its cheap to do now and im not paying 1.2M coins for him. 

 Are the mut hero’s the best way to go for tp now?


Lmao. I can’t believe he’s selling for 1m+. Smh, there’s better less expensive options.


Quote from NorthernLightsBomb >> Yes, just like other Limited cards.

 Thanks, didn’t see this. Didn’t wanna take any chances if I wasn’t 100% sure.

Yes, just like other Limited cards.