Quote from diimsday1044 >> Youbarenpretty far along Congrats if you have the patience. To wait it looks like Madden is a great card to have
Quote from MikeInReno >> I’m grinding for a coach madden. I don’t plan on doing anything with him since everything for him is so expensive. He’ll just be decoration for me. I just think it’s cool they have John Madden in the game.
Not a game changer, in my opinion. Yet. He will be farther along.
I’d go ahead and finish him up. You only have 60 to go. If you don’t and then want him later then you have to start the grind all over. Just treat him as a must have objective. The chems will get cheaper as we get into Most Feared and Thanksgiving. Those 85-87 cards will drop a ton by Christmas and 2k Training won’t be a big deal.
Any card you can get with trophies is just that,a card,madden will help your team all year.just sayin....
I’m grinding for a coach madden. I don’t plan on doing anything with him since everything for him is so expensive. He’ll just be decoration for me. I just think it’s cool they have John Madden in the game.
Youbarenpretty far along Congrats if you have the patience. To wait it looks like Madden is a great card to have
i am sitting on 140 trophies in total( series 1 and 2 together). my initial thought was to grind for coach madden but i don't know if he's worth the grind plus the 4000 tp. what do you guys think? keep grinding or just spend it on hof, telvin smith and other players?