
Best way to move coins from farm?

Any suggestions? Thanks


All good options!


Another option is to buy coin quicksell cards off the auction house on your farm and then trade it to your main.


Depending how much. I've been buying Ltd players for 560k to 620k and trade over, at worst I can quicksell that player for 500k.


Or you could buy cards on your farm that you actually want to use in your lineup on you main. Then just trade it to your main for a silver.


When the new Legends are released each Saturday you can buy the pieces on your farms... trade them to your main for silver cards... then complete the set on your main.  With a bit of patience you can sell that card for cheaper than it cost to buy the pieces - even after taxes.  This way you don’t take the tax loss.

Another method is to buy cards on your farms and trade to your main then quick sell for training.


Put up a worthless card for however much you have on your farm and buy it on your farm. You lose 10% but that’s just how it works.