Thanks guys. Selling Alex Smith/Baldwin - and got the training for Bitonio.
Sitting at 10,648 packs opened so far this year. Bound to get lucky and sell things/trade them in for tokens, exchange etc. Spent only $250 aside from the game itself ($100 for that Hero bundle - got Saquon Hero out of it for a cool 370k).
I'm a packslut anyway....2k, MLB the Show. 80s baby with my formidable years in the early 90s, i loved nothing more than opening up real cards. Damn EA and 2k really know how to tap in to your addictions huh
Not to mention I just pulled that Zack Martin - cool 380k off the rip.
Gotta spend coin to make coin - same as AMERICA!
you already have a lot of coins so i'd probably take the training if I was you
I’d take that training that’s a good price for 4400 training Imo and you doin nice on the coin side
I’d probably go with the coin instead of training. I’d also sell sooner rather than later. Market may tank again once any official word of MF comes out. I need to make a few line upgrades, but waiting in case market does crash
Got these just sitting in the binder and not sure to get the coin or the training for them 90 Alex Smith FB (135k coin or 2200 training) 88 Doug Baldwin FB (80k coin or 1100 training) 88 Joel Bitonio HW (75k coin or 1100 training)
4400 total in training or 280k coin (258k after the 10%)
Got 900k+ coin already and a team that I can't really upgrade until MF come out