
Crossing routes

how are people stopping these crossing routes and getting consistent pressure. I fimd it nearly impossible to stop these crossing routes without sending extra people. Played a guy who wouldnt stop spamming it on top of playmakering someone up the field. The easy fix to this would be ea programming the game to where the corner will make a decision to break on the ball based on how many feet away they are from the player. Sometimes i literally have to spam to get on my deion just to even try to make the play. When i do stop it i look down and my team is playing patty cake at the los while another guy streaks wide open.

Major BUMP


Man up one crossing  route man up the playmaker route, and then user across the middle and send 5.


It's a nuisance!!!


Gotta send pressure, if you know who he is playmaking up the field man him up and used the crossing route.


Send 5 , user one route, man up another. If theyre in trips sets then man up the corner in the useless flat, and another LB.