I probably know which way the community will lean, but I would love to hear arguments for each. Being NMS, I will probably only be able to get one of the 90 OVR Monsters, and two fairly weak spots for me are ROLB and OG. Long would be a big boost for my OL, but I'm sure Barr plays like a beast. Anyone used either or both yet?
I'm having the same issue. I have Jon Randle and Linval Joseph at DT, and I have a Harrison Smith I can put at FS, so I'm probably going to go with Barr....
I probably know which way the community will lean, but I would love to hear arguments for each. Being NMS, I will probably only be able to get one of the 90 OVR Monsters, and two fairly weak spots for me are ROLB and OG. Long would be a big boost for my OL, but I'm sure Barr plays like a beast. Anyone used either or both yet?