What's up Madden Community. I know this may souind dumb that I need a few easy plays for solo challenges, But I'm just missing that 1 play TD for solo challenges. Mine used to be PA Misdirection in 17 and 18 but since I moved to the New England playbook I no longer have it and dont know of any plays like that. Can any of you suggest some plays for me? Preferably out of the NE playbook? Much appreciated.
What's up Madden Community. I know this may souind dumb that I need a few easy plays for solo challenges, But I'm just missing that 1 play TD for solo challenges. Mine used to be PA Misdirection in 17 and 18 but since I moved to the New England playbook I no longer have it and dont know of any plays like that. Can any of you suggest some plays for me? Preferably out of the NE playbook? Much appreciated.