
Would you buy a superior game with no NFL license?

Maybe it could have the NFLPA license.Players would look exactly like their NFL counterparts.Barry wouldn't celebrate.Cut scenes of John Randle flipping out.Joe Cool's TD signal.REAL player attributes! Romanowski spitting! Terrrel could dance on team's logos at midfield! The possibilties are endless! No NAT.Game would be physics based."Buffalo" would have their standard colors for example. To keep things interesting, there would be made up players with unique/wanted attributes but not op.I would encourage pack and bundle buying by keeping prices low and guaranteeing SOMETHING useful in every pack. Make your own player option (with filters to block obvious profanity).Make your own uniform, design your own stadium packs, name your team.Design your coach.(Mine would look like a pimp in a purple suit.)           H2H would have strict matchmaking algorithms so OVRs match as best as possible. Zones would be solid.AI will notice immediately when you're "going to the well" once too often.Higher OVR Dbs would jump routes consistently.

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