
Is It Just Me, or Is The Market DEAD?

Man...  i know RDR2 is coming Friday (which I can't wait for), but wtf happened to the market right now???  I also know the opening set of MF was an absolutely tone-deaf flop, but still, you would think the hardcore MUT base would be churning cards through the market, and yet, they aren't.  I've been watching several cards heavy for the last 4 days or so, and some are completely gone, and if any pop up, of course people are gouging on it.  Overall the market is slow, and not just on the cards I was watching...  Even the TOTW drop yesterday was extremely thin...  there were like 3 cards or less of each elite at multiple points.  I've been heavy into MUT for like 4 years now and I never remember it being this slow at this point.


Right now is actually a good time to sell your cards lol. Everything has inflated back up.


I've noticed this too. I'm on PC so it's much worse here. I think there are three things contributing to this.

1) People are savings coins to see what Most Feared part two brings on Friday. There will probably be another set like Calvin's that will require a ton of coins to complete.

2) Lots of people are invested in power ups and are only looking to upgrades to those cards.

3) People would rather qs a card for training than put it up on the AH.

To me I think #2 is the biggest issue for this year's Madden. LT, C, RT, TE2, FB, SS, LOLB, CB3. Those are the positions that I don't have some sort of NAT/Power Up card in that I'm not moving on from. So in any given week I'm probably not going to be making an upgrade unless one of my power up players gets a new card.


One of the big promos that used to help keep the market moving mid week was ToTW, but that promo is really a mess this year between odd player choices and convoluted sets. Combine that with a lackluster start to Most Feared and the amount of people buying packs goes way down.


Quote from mannon545454 >> Quickselling cards for training has killed the market

Not necessarily a bad thing though. If anything I think it will make the MUT economy more stable this year as supply will tend to balance out more with demand. If you pull an 80-81 elite you’re still getting around a 10k coin reward. In year’s past of MUT you’d be lucky to get 3k on the AH for them at this point in the year.


Yep its stone cold right now. I was sitting on HW Martin hoping he’d drop to 200k, but he jumped from like 220k to 320k in the last couple of days. I’ve seen some up sporadically for 260-270k but I’m not paying that when I have a perfectly good NAT MF Long.


MUT during the week is always a seller’s market. Weekends tend to be more of a buyer’s.... especially once you consider that all the new coin rewards from Weekend League and Solo Battles are hitting accounts on Mondays. I think most people are just waiting to see what happens with a possible new Most Feared drop.


Quote from mannon545454 >> Quickselling cards for training has killed the market



I just listed and sold 91 Champ, 90 Kam, 90 Zeke, and 90 Hayward all for like 50k profit in anticipation of prices dropping for Night Trane coming as well as a new Kam.


Quickselling cards for training has killed the market


AH has been deader than norm, selling 85 legend pieces at 40k is all I need to gauge the market


Training has gone up a ton! people really saving those coins for friday


Did you see that rdr2 has a companion app?  pretty dope.


Quote from BillsMafia82 >> The market is red dead.

 Already pre-ordered. Playing a normal game as opposed to the bank account draining MUT will save me a fortune. :(


I agree!


This week's card releases have been underwhelming, and I agree people are holding onto bank in expectation of more desirable cards being released soon.


lmao sold my deon for 700k hoping someone new comes with MR promo


On Xbox I've noticed that card value has risen from last week ( which is great if you're a seller) but with the lack of must have content ,packs aren't being ripped which leads to less cards to have on the market ..  no demand means no supply... Wait until tomorrow night... Once that Twitch stream goes live, if the cards are great, you'll see a new market drop...


I’m thinking the power ups and training are having an affect.


Quote from fromundanuts >> i would guess everyone is holding coins tight until the rest of MF is dropped.

 thats what im doing the calvin johnson set is too expensive


Which console are u on? This is my first yr on ps4 and the market overall is slower than X1 which I played the past 3-4 yrs