
Why Can't Power-up Mack get a Gem?

I'm not downgrading him to waste 1500 training for 2 days. Becuase he can't get a Gem he probably won't enrage during the Enduring Night. I don't have a problem powering him down to grow a couple feet for a couple days, I'm NOT wasting 1500 training for +6 speed for 2 days.


Quote from TheWurstNytmar3 >> Quote from cantutv >> He can, it’s in the physical slot 

 I looked earlier, maybe my memory is fogged but I only saw the normal 5 and the x2 version.


Quote from NorthernLightsBomb >> You do know it's free on the Guardians, right? Well, 5 points to unlock the slot.  The chemistry only costs training on the Power Up, though.

 I didn't see a slot. Still don't know why it costs training on the better version. Just EA being EA


I put a gem on my PU Mack.. boosted him to a 94.. can't wait to see him boost up even more next week!👍👍


Quote from cantutv >> He can, it’s in the physical slot 

 I looked earlier, maybe my memory is fogged but I only saw the normal 5 and the x2 version.


Quote from NorthernLightsBomb >> You do know it's free on the Guardians, right? Well, 5 points to unlock the slot.  The chemistry only costs training on the Power Up, though.



Quote from NorthernLightsBomb >> You do know it's free on the Guardians, right?  It only costs training on the Power Up.

 Was just about to post this, gems are free if you were to power him down and use the guardian by himself, but like I said above, you can equip a gem in the physical slot of the full PU

You do know it's free on the Guardians, right? Well, 5 points to unlock the slot.  The chemistry only costs training on the Power Up, though.


He can, it’s in the physical slot