Quote from pauliev31 >> I want to thank everyone for all their advice. It's funny that when I go shopping for training points I always check MH and look to see what the best TP/Coin ratio is. In this case I didn't even consider it because, in my mind, they 3200 TP were essentially free because I had built the elites using trophies. Selling for coins then buying back TP at a better rate is definitely the way to go!
Thanks again for all the help. You guys are great!
Your welcome my man! Always remember that nothing in madden is technically free. You put in work for those trophies so get all you can out of them!
I want to thank everyone for all their advice. It's funny that when I go shopping for training points I always check MH and look to see what the best TP/Coin ratio is. In this case I didn't even consider it because, in my mind, they 3200 TP were essentially free because I had built the elites using trophies. Selling for coins then buying back TP at a better rate is definitely the way to go!
Thanks again for all the help. You guys are great!
Bro ALWAYS look at muthead for pricing before quicksell ING a card. Yours for example right now is 85 coins per training point, sooooo not worth it. Even after taxes at prices right now it'd be roughly 77 coins per training point. Sell your card, buy other cards around 59 or less tp per and profit my friend!
https://www.muthead.com/19/players/prices/51540-michael-thomas/xbox-one Check down below it'll show you coins per training ratio.
I think selling now is the answer.
If you need training points, you can snipe some from the AH unless it's something you plan to do right now.
Quote from uberuberman >> Quote from pauliev31 >> So, I used my series 2 trophies to make Night Guardian elites and built a Michael Thomas. Can't say why I chose that particular player but that's the one I built and so that's the one I have.
I could sell him for about 250K-270K coins, but I also need 10K training to complete my coach/uni/stadium chems and he's worth 3200 TP
My coin stash is down to 1.1M after all the great Patriots that have come out, but I am sitting on a 500K quick sell Dont'a Hightower LTD, that I could potentially get 650K or more if I sell in the AH
Quote from pauliev31 >> So, I used my series 2 trophies to make Night Guardian elites and built a Michael Thomas. Can't say why I chose that particular player but that's the one I built and so that's the one I have.
I could sell him for about 250K-270K coins, but I also need 10K training to complete my coach/uni/stadium chems and he's worth 3200 TP
My coin stash is down to 1.1M after all the great Patriots that have come out, but I am sitting on a 500K quick sell Dont'a Hightower LTD, that I could potentially get 650K or more if I sell in the AH
What would be the best play here with NG Michael Thomas given my scenario? I'm considering holding him until after "enduring night" but then I know his coin value will go down.
If you aren't going to use him then sell. Get your coins now and use them how you want.
I would only quicksell him for training if you plan to invest and buy the other 6800 training right now if you don’t plan on finishing the team chems then I would just sell for coins asap since he will only get cheaper the longer the promo is going
TP for the team items is the long term answer imo. Help everybody
Of course after Tues Gotta punk some SB`s first :grin:
So, I used my series 2 trophies to make Night Guardian elites and built a Michael Thomas. Can't say why I chose that particular player but that's the one I built and so that's the one I have.
I could sell him for about 250K-270K coins, but I also need 10K training to complete my coach/uni/stadium chems and he's worth 3200 TP
My coin stash is down to 1.1M after all the great Patriots that have come out, but I am sitting on a 500K quick sell Dont'a Hightower LTD, that I could potentially get 650K or more if I sell in the AH
What would be the best play here with NG Michael Thomas given my scenario? I'm considering holding him until after "enduring night" but then I know his coin value will go down.
and if Josh Gordon has TOTW worthy performance Monday vs the Bill that's going to be a "must have" for me
Interested to see other's opinions - even if it's "you should have built Mack" or something along those lines (ha ha)