Quote from EPS1234 >> I used to be the guy who wanted big change and was mad about this that and the other. It’s just not healthy. Things aren’t going to get fixed . There’s too many complaints and too many people to try to make happy . And there’s too many people who just don’t care and play casually. So they will always make enough money to keep this party going . I came to the conclusion that 60-500 bucks a year I spend on madden for entertainment with the amount of time I play and actually have fun even though people say they aren’t having fun they are. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be in the forums or even loading there game in. Is worth it too me. I’m going ride this ship tell it sinks . I love football and love playing madden thats all that really matters at the end of the day for me. I don’t like Star Wars movies or games . So I’ve never played it cause I wouldn’t be having fun .
Quote from ufcknockout >> man you'll feel dumb for playin this gm after watchin that vid EA takes advantage of people who only play madden, and have no idea what 2019-2020 video game presentation looks like everyone's too addicted to staring at the AH, opening packs, thinking about promos to even realize how awful it is
eye opening. I don't spend money but i do waste more time than id like to on the game...
Yup there laughing at us
man you'll feel dumb for playin this gm after watchin that vid EA takes advantage of people who only play madden, and have no idea what 2019-2020 video game presentation looks like everyone's too addicted to staring at the AH, opening packs, thinking about promos to even realize how awful it is
eye opening. I don't spend money but i do waste more time than id like to on the game...
Quote from Dreverse >> Quote from EPS1234 >> I used to be the guy who wanted big change and was mad about this that and the other. It’s just not healthy. Things aren’t going to get fixed . There’s too many complaints and too many people to try to make happy . And there’s too many people who just don’t care and play casually. So they will always make enough money to keep this party going . I came to the conclusion that 60-500 bucks a year I spend on madden for entertainment with the amount of time I play and actually have fun even though people say they aren’t having fun they are. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be in the forums or even loading there game in. Is worth it too me. I’m going ride this ship tell it sinks . I love football and love playing madden thats all that really matters at the end of the day for me. I don’t like Star Wars movies or games . So I’ve never played it cause I wouldn’t be having fun .
How many professional Battle front streamers are out there compared to professional madden streamers??
Quote from SpartanSteel66 >> The MUT community does not have the presence nor the voice in the media to force the NFL to look at their deal with EA. The media (traditional and social) is full of Star Wars fans. They were quick to expose loot boxes. Once the news gained traction in the main stream media, Disney had to no choice but to step in to prevent their brand from being further damaged by EA's tactics.
If everyone here replies to every EA sports tweet with #nerfstretch or something it will get their attention
The MUT community does not have the presence nor the voice in the media to force the NFL to look at their deal with EA. The media (traditional and social) is full of Star Wars fans. They were quick to expose loot boxes. Once the news gained traction in the main stream media, Disney had to no choice but to step in to prevent their brand from being further damaged by EA's tactics.
Yeah, the loot boxes were taken out of Battelfront 2, and the result? A mess of a game. I honestly would have preferred they keep the loot boxes in so they could give people a competent game and not a bunch of interns trying to fix it and update it. Incredibly buggy. Just my opinion. If you know going into the game that there is a "pay to win" advantage, and you don't want to pay more, then you have the option of not buying the game. Or just know that you'll have to put a ridiculous amount of time into it.
Quote from JPHRZ >> But it's the only football game. Some of use enjoy the sport and esports, EA being able to monopolize and there being no other options it is frustrating. Also, while there isn't a strong moral argument why this game should be fixed, since when is it not ok to criticize a product? There are many small things they could attempt to do, it's not like there aren't other games out there figuring these problems out. We may never get an amazing game but they could at least try to disable broken players from competitive, or upgrade the collision which has been bad for a long time. You said don't play, but people can just as easily say don't read.
Star Wars has/had competition and Disney. Madden has no competition and the nfl only sees it making money. The Nfl or EA have no moral compass.
I said this earlier imagine that there’s this super super hot lady that keeps making you promises ( ea ) and wants a commitment (ea) and everytime u give in ( ea saying the game and problems are fixed every year ) then you get stood up and fooled again she comes over thought and and makes it right ( ea ) for her mistake . At what point do you stop
it’s the same as madden the NFL is there sexy thing and we all love it and they are dangling that in front of us .
But it's the only football game. Some of use enjoy the sport and esports, EA being able to monopolize and there being no other options it is frustrating. Also, while there isn't a strong moral argument why this game should be fixed, since when is it not ok to criticize a product? There are many small things they could attempt to do, it's not like there aren't other games out there figuring these problems out. We may never get an amazing game but they could at least try to disable broken players from competitive, or upgrade the collision which has been bad for a long time. You said don't play, but people can just as easily say don't read.
To me this always sounds absurd acting like this game being bad is kind of cause that we need to band together to stop . Play the game if you like it or do not play it if you dislike the game . If you want to have a call to arms , put that energy towards real world problems . It is just a video game .
Quote from diimsday1044 >> I think they got a lot of money from new players every year I believe that although some percentage of veteran players stop spending or spend less , Ea more then makes up for it by adding new players , some will spend a lot some a little etc
Any business is successful when then get 80% of their profit from the 20% of the target audience. That’s the rule of thumb if you wanna get into business. EA will always have that 20% of ppl no matter what type of game they put out
Quote from EPS1234 >> I used to be the guy who wanted big change and was mad about this that and the other. It’s just not healthy. Things aren’t going to get fixed . There’s too many complaints and too many people to try to make happy . And there’s too many people who just don’t care and play casually. So they will always make enough money to keep this party going . I came to the conclusion that 60-500 bucks a year I spend on madden for entertainment with the amount of time I play and actually have fun even though people say they aren’t having fun they are. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be in the forums or even loading there game in. Is worth it too me. I’m going ride this ship tell it sinks . I love football and love playing madden thats all that really matters at the end of the day for me. I don’t like Star Wars movies or games . So I’ve never played it cause I wouldn’t be having fun .
This community is more worried about tearing each other to shreds and being assholes to each other than helping anyone make this game better. As a whole, people who play madden are irredeemable.
I used to be the guy who wanted big change and was mad about this that and the other. It’s just not healthy. Things aren’t going to get fixed . There’s too many complaints and too many people to try to make happy . And there’s too many people who just don’t care and play casually. So they will always make enough money to keep this party going . I came to the conclusion that 60-500 bucks a year I spend on madden for entertainment with the amount of time I play and actually have fun even though people say they aren’t having fun they are. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be in the forums or even loading there game in. Is worth it too me. I’m going ride this ship tell it sinks . I love football and love playing madden thats all that really matters at the end of the day for me. I don’t like Star Wars movies or games . So I’ve never played it cause I wouldn’t be having fun .
I think they got a lot of money from new players every year I believe that although some percentage of veteran players stop spending or spend less , Ea more then makes up for it by adding new players , some will spend a lot some a little etc
I just watched a video of a guy explaining that ea employee said that madden hasn’t changed nor will it ever as long as people keep buying packs in fact he said all the money madden made last year it went to developing the new Star Wars due to disney stepping in after battlefront 2 flopped due to loot boxes and the community spoke up!! now why can’t this community do the same ? I just don’t understand. You have huge sport athletes to famous actors to rappers that say the game is flawed so why can’t we as a community get the NFLs attention like Disney did and tell ea hey make a better game or else we’ll here’s the video at the 16th minute theres another video that is playing that explains everything I said and more https://youtu.be/0HazJ0wE3iA