
Is WL 100 times harder after 11 wins like in Madden 18?

Didnt plan on doing WL this year, but played some games because of thr free entry and kept winning.....Im 11-1 right now and want to know if its like last year where you can mop up the first ten games and go 500 the rest of the way?

Im tempted to pull am all nighter and see if I can finish but I never made it past 19 wins last year even after having perfect starts.  The rewards dont really seem worth it if you dont go top 100.

I can shut down crossers and PA wheel fairly easily.


Sitting at 13-8 atm D:

Finna go hard for the last 2 wins >:D

Last 10 games have been nailbiter win loss win loss win loss D: .. Fug


Didnt pretty good..and i got piles of coin to build any team...but you guys have offically scared me away from this mode....last year actually lol....i dont have much hair left...i dont need to be pullin out the rest of it


Started off 14-2 then crapped myself and finished 19-6 😓


I went 16-9 and was one off from elite monthly :(


Yes, I started 9-2. Then ended 11-11 before I quit.


Quote from Zelluh >> I was 12-3 and I played 7 MUT masters in a row. I ended up 17-8 lol

 That’s what I figured.  Two of my last three opponents were MUT Masters with perfect teams and I am running a full Broncos team.  I think I’ll just grab my sleep lol.


Totally agree. Was 9-2 on friday and I finished it 15-10...


I was 12-3 and I played 7 MUT masters in a row. I ended up 17-8 lol