Hey everyone, having some issues with content downloading and wanted to post to see if others are having issues. If I go to Solo Challenges or Sets all I see instead of the pictures / images is a placeholder that says downloading or downloading live content. Restarted Xbox, completely shutdown Xbox etc. etc. and its driving me nuts. Also found that I cannot connect to EA Servers with any of my other farm accounts.
I can sign in and play some games with the main account but see almost zero content and I just don't understand why my other accounts wont login. This started happening a few days ago. Is this an EA problem, Xbox Service issue anyone know?
Hey everyone, having some issues with content downloading and wanted to post to see if others are having issues. If I go to Solo Challenges or Sets all I see instead of the pictures / images is a placeholder that says downloading or downloading live content. Restarted Xbox, completely shutdown Xbox etc. etc. and its driving me nuts. Also found that I cannot connect to EA Servers with any of my other farm accounts.