When I learned that for MUT 19 MUT Master could be achieved without playing online and that Level Master could be achieved without collecting tokens, and that this is my first full MUT season, I set the goal to complete both objectives as quickly as I could.
On Monday I completed MUT Master and got the 95 Ryan Shazier and last night, just before midnight I finally hit Level 50 and completed 92 Ricky Williams
I am fortunate to work from home so when I have a bit of downtime I can grind and that helped a lot. Now I feel that I can do the daily objectives, Solo Battles, new solos/promos as they come along and upgrade my team as the right pieces are released.
On the plus side, I bought the full Legend pack that gets released at level 50 and pulled Brian Dawkins. I didn't really need him so I sold him on the AH and after he sold I stumbled on a Diamond Tom Brady for under 500K so snagged that and now my QB is maxed.
When I learned that for MUT 19 MUT Master could be achieved without playing online and that Level Master could be achieved without collecting tokens, and that this is my first full MUT season, I set the goal to complete both objectives as quickly as I could.
On Monday I completed MUT Master and got the 95 Ryan Shazier and last night, just before midnight I finally hit Level 50 and completed 92 Ricky Williams
I am fortunate to work from home so when I have a bit of downtime I can grind and that helped a lot. Now I feel that I can do the daily objectives, Solo Battles, new solos/promos as they come along and upgrade my team as the right pieces are released.
On the plus side, I bought the full Legend pack that gets released at level 50 and pulled Brian Dawkins. I didn't really need him so I sold him on the AH and after he sold I stumbled on a Diamond Tom Brady for under 500K so snagged that and now my QB is maxed.