This is why I sold my team and now have an 88 OVR that if I feel the itch to play, I play. I’m quickly reminded that it’s not really worth my time
Quote from RVRAIDER28 >> Gotta read this.....Same here guys 95 overall the game is an absolute joke now since latest patch.
I literally just played someone who ran the same play the entire game.....I could not stop the corner routes no matter what.....freaking garbage.
He ran Gun 2x2 tight with rb right. Rolled right. Right slot ran corner right. Right wide wr ran post down the middle of the field. Rb ran flat right and backside slot came across right in a drag/fill route.
No idea why but not one defense stopped it. I literally tried every defense with no base align and base align. Cover one, cover two, cover three, four, cover six, cloud flats, sink, outside coverage, glitz blitzes, you name it nothing at worked.
i understand why it happens but i will never be able to stand/accept/be ok with/not get triggered by dda ONLY helping cheaters or people who should not be playing madden at all. when the 1-2 games per WL when i do vs someone who uses skill, realism or doesnt cheat please make sure they get dda and never give it to someone who cheats please.
Bottom line is we all hit DDA games where it's obvious from kickoff. You can almost tell if you get stopped short of your 20 that the fix is in. Personally I play ONE WL game to trigger the weekly then swim in the shallow end on regular seasons while the sharks swim in WL. Significantly reduces the frustration.
Played four games in WL yesterday and literally all were guys mixing two or three plays. Three of them started with deep bomb to activated Moss (which for some weird reason I can't most of the time stop even with swatting and double coverage, however, once I intercepted it for some reason in single coverage with Deion) and two of the had Dickerson. All of them running around with Vick/Watson/Lamar.
I mean, in the end, I'm 3-1 so far, so it's not unstoppable, but it's just boring as hell and also exhausting with all the adjustments every single play. Not to mention if they snap the ball before I make all the adjustments and I'm on the right user, I'm screwed in that play.
i really hope xfactors arent in the game next year, may be a dealbreaker
I would love to break down my team and go all out theme, I tried this a the last two years but waiting on a certain team cards will leave weeks with out adding to your team. It gets boring and I quit. This year I’m keeping 25/50 and just getting cards i like. Maybe I’ll stick around a bit longer. Also play against a lot of buddies and we play with no cheese. I think we have all grown to realize the cheese makes the game worse. I don’t want to see who can cheese who better, nor do the fellas I play with. Keeps it fun.
Gotta read this.....Same here guys 95 overall the game is an absolute joke now since latest patch.
I literally just played someone who ran the same play the entire game.....I could not stop the corner routes no matter what.....freaking garbage.
He ran Gun 2x2 tight with rb right. Rolled right. Right slot ran corner right. Right wide wr ran post down the middle of the field. Rb ran flat right and backside slot came across right in a drag/fill route.
No idea why but not one defense stopped it. I literally tried every defense with no base align and base align. Cover one, cover two, cover three, four, cover six, cloud flats, sink, outside coverage, glitz blitzes, you name it nothing at worked.
What the hell is going on with this game. Also you think when I ask coach for a suggestion he would have a clue as to how to stop it.
Quote from Saintsfan1000 >> then don't play MUT , get in a online franchise, I am in one and it is way more fun than mut for me.
This is what I need to do
Quote from Saintsfan1000 >> then don't play MUT , get in a online franchise, I am in one and it is way more fun than mut for me.
yeah, I'm playing some franchise here and there when I get frustrated or bored by MUT but I mean MUT is the most popular mode for a reason lol. Hard to stax away when I know it COULD be so much fun.
Played 5 games now with my pure Titans Team, 94 off 90 def, with 92 Logan Ryan being my best corner and it's already so much more fun. I'm sure there was some DDA kicking in, as I won 4 out of 5 with this squad now, but at least I don't get mad now when my 99 speed CB get easily burnt by Holt. Now I know it's freakin' Logan Ryan with like 89 speed that get's burnt lol
then don't play MUT , get in a online franchise, I am in one and it is way more fun than mut for me.
Quote from elaurant0 >> the game has 2 big time problems that wont ever go away.
worst developer in gaming worst community in gaming
Quote from Syph >> I tried WL on a Thursday night once. Learned my lesson good. Only people playing now seem to be trophy hunters. Dudes who don't want to play but do it like it's a job. I guess they are the same crew who grind for top 100 in SBs. If it's fun for them cool but anyone who wants a football game should stay far away from WL until atleast Saturday late morning.
I tried WL on a Thursday night once. Learned my lesson good. Only people playing now seem to be trophy hunters. Dudes who don't want to play but do it like it's a job. I guess they are the same crew who grind for top 100 in SBs. If it's fun for them cool but anyone who wants a football game should stay far away from WL until atleast Saturday late morning.
the game has 2 big time problems that wont ever go away.
worst developer in gaming worst community in gaming
At this point I'm just ready for next year.... The beta this year felt great... These abilities and gameplay are terrible right now
Quote from XzMiKEzXzCANZEzX >> but we keep coming back lol
yeah I mean again, the game has been fun for me and I'm sure it still will, but I just can't keep up with trying to get new, better cards and they play the same as the old ones, or I don't even get to use them as my opponent runs the same play every time lol.
I was always the type of guy that defended the game and that still had fun playing it but every week it gets worse and worse. I recently upgraded my team (95ovr) and of 5 WL games, I played 4 against the worst type of cheesers. Every offensive snap I have to deal with insane blitzes and have to block 8 guys to have more than half a second to throw the ball. On defense it's either stretch, after stretch, after stretch. I beat it 3 times only for the guy to rush for 50 yards on a 4th and 20 in his own half, while my guys can't shed a block or just run by the HB doing nothing. If it's not stretch than it's 2 guys on a corner route. I take one away, he throws it to the other side, my guys in a zone (man is even more broken) just stand there waiting for the guy to catch it. Damn what do we even need high OVR cards for. I'm off to sell my high OVRs and go with a pure Titans Theme Team. That way I can still enjoy new cards coming out and don't need to worry about my WL record as I won't need the coins