Quote from Drew_412 >> Secure tackler imo
Im not there yet but this is my plan also
depends on how you use him. if the goon is always blitzing put the under pressure chem. if the goon is your user, go with ST the hit sticks won't get broken by backs or receivers.
Quote from csmmadden >> i put tip drill....and he got one today....it has a reasonable price compared to others
Tip balls ALWAYS get caught by someone when I play this year. Last year they got dropped a lot but I rarely see them not caught in 19. Do you know if the chem makes your player more likely to get or just less likely to drop it IF it comes to you?
i put tip drill....and he got one today....it has a reasonable price compared to others
Congrats! Would go with ST.
Random question - are the Shazier's numbered this year? If so which console / number are you?
I just completed MUT Master...what’s the best red chem for Shaz?