
John Madden Coach?

Im looking to pick him up. Anyone know how much he usually sells for and what chems you can put on him?

Edit: for PS4


He is too expensive for me. Would better invest in players


Quote from poorboyracing >> You might be able to get one cheaper than 750k . I think the price will get higher later on.  Plus u can always sell it after .

 Think im gonna pass on him for now. If i see him for under 800k im def gonna snag. Thanks for the help tho.


You might be able to get one cheaper than 750k . I think the price will get higher later on.  Plus u can always sell it after .


for me yes. For you dont know.  Plus remember 2000 training points each chem and u will need 4000 total for tier 1 . So u better be sure wat chem u want.


Quote from poorboyracing >> On ps4  the cheapest i have seen was 660 k    Now mostly 800k and up . Sometimes a little less. You can go on youtube  and check TheActualCC  video which show the different chems. I choose the passing chem to help my old team.

 Is he worth the coins?


On ps4  the cheapest i have seen was 660 k    Now mostly 800k and up . Sometimes a little less. You can go on youtube  and check TheActualCC  video which show the different chems. I choose the passing chem to help my old team.