
How does a game company make a yearly game worst every year?

I used to think ea was bad a few years ago but they manage to top themselves over and over again.


OP don't worry, it's the same 5 EA guys coming in every thread saying there isn't awful pass blocking, worse down field run blocking, zero deep blue cover 2 zone logic, useless match zone concepts that are easy to exploit, hundreds of graphical glitches like floating players, vibrating players, players going through each other, players unable to recover fumbles, teleporting players, desync disconnect glitches in h2h and solo battles so that YouTubers and select few can get the top rewards, awful sideline catch logic, awful fumble logic, hit sticks that are the exact animation that paralyzed Shazier, d linemen chasing down wrs, and so so so much more. The MUT subreddit has less EA employees since it isn't an arm of EA like MUThead is.


OP dont waste your time criticizing the game at all. Just remember next year in these forums people are going to say Madden 20 is one of the best ever and 19 was the worst. They do this every year since M15.


Quote from mvandor >> Quote from Mixxtapee >> i think the games fine..people just have a hard time adjusting to change.

Gameplay wise, I agree, 19 takes some adjusting, heck gameplay after the last patch is requiring adjusting. Still some patching to do, but I don't see 19 as worse than prior versions.

I just wish they'd price micro-transactions at a reasonable amount of $, make all packs/bundles obtainable with coins, and increase solo payouts to something more reasonable.


Quote from Mixxtapee >> i think the games fine..people just have a hard time adjusting to change.

Gameplay wise, I agree, 19 takes some adjusting, heck gameplay after the last patch is requiring adjusting. Still some patching to do, but I don't see 19 as worse than prior versions.

I just wish they'd price micro-transactions at a reasonable amount of $, make all packs/bundles obtainable with coins, and increase solo payouts to something more reasonable.


Quote from thalazt >> I used to think ea was bad a few years ago but they manage to top themselves over and over again.

 Here we go! :lol:


It's so weird that people come to this site to post things like this


they do upgrade and make improvements but Im still a fan of m16


You are slow if you think this years madden is worse this is one of the best maddens in years your prob just trash facts


That's your opinion... Lots of people including myself think this one is way better than 18


this game is way better than 18 but still, gameplay needs alot of work. content is decent so far but its early.


Madden 19 is way better than madden 18 lmao


i think the games fine..people just have a hard time adjusting to change.


They have a monopoly on football games and whales that shovel them cash for anything they do, they don't need to make a good game.