Quote from damoose01 >> pretty certain when a legend gets a new card, you'll be able to power them up more. (Say Sean gets a Christmas 94 overall, you can power him up to 95)
Sure but his next card may not be out til like June
Quote from damoose01 >> pretty certain when a legend gets a new card, you'll be able to power them up more. (Say Sean gets a Christmas 94 overall, you can power him up to 95)
Gonna have to get a power up pass (if they have them) or the card to get there though.
pretty certain when a legend gets a new card, you'll be able to power them up more. (Say Sean gets a Christmas 94 overall, you can power him up to 95)
Quote from jnavarro25 >> I'm been doing the power ups and not buying the regular card. If you need that later you can always get one.
Might be over priced down the line.
not worth it for the +1, you can get a new FS whenever you want and don't have to wait til May for his next card
I'm been doing the power ups and not buying the regular card. If you need that later you can always get one.
Quote from flexj81 >> Quote from delrayplayboy >> Quote from womeldas >> dont Get him then. Fine with me. One less Sean T to play against.
Quote from delrayplayboy >> Quote from womeldas >> dont Get him then. Fine with me. One less Sean T to play against.
I have him as a 90 already, just trying to justify powering him up.
My thinking is that the UL cards will require the 90 OVR card powered up to get additional chems. If its a player you know you will use the whole game then it should be worth it.
Quote from womeldas >> I have him. He’s awesome especially when usering. He will continue to get upgrades throughout the year.
Did it take 1000+training or am I doingitwrong?
I have him. He’s awesome especially when usering. He will continue to get upgrades throughout the year.
Quote from womeldas >> dont Get him then. Fine with me. One less Sean T to play against.
I have him as a 90 already, just trying to justify powering him up.
Let me get this straight, I have to buy all the ST legend cards to complete his set t0 get the 90, and then if i want to power him up (for a +1) I need to spend almost a thousand training.
How does that making any sense, wasting all that coin and training for a card that will be irrelevant or too expensive to power up in the future.