controlled test as best I could. The 50/50 team bonus may impact some of this. But I wanted to use the exact same players to see reaction in OVR
First pic will be without any team item chems. Random coach, etc no upgrades. 2nd pic will show a balance of passing and running team item chems added for balance.except for PR Went all rushing chem.
Thought it might help someone plan their chems. It doesn’t show too much, but a general idea
controlled test as best I could. The 50/50 team bonus may impact some of this. But I wanted to use the exact same players to see reaction in OVR
First pic will be without any team item chems. Random coach, etc no upgrades. 2nd pic will show a balance of passing and running team item chems added for balance.except for PR Went all rushing chem.
Thought it might help someone plan their chems. It doesn’t show too much, but a general idea
GD base
GD team items