Anyone have a link to what each upgrade does? Thinking of swapping from 40/40 balanced O to Madden but want to know if it's worth it if I only get 1 upgrade slot to start? Have over 1k trophies and unless the master gets pats chem will need something to attend it on.
You'll get the +1 for speed only at the 5th slot, on the first 4 you can decide between Passing, Rushing and Defense if I'm correct. So if you depend on the speed boost, you'll have a long road to go.
Anyone have a link to what each upgrade does? Thinking of swapping from 40/40 balanced O to Madden but want to know if it's worth it if I only get 1 upgrade slot to start? Have over 1k trophies and unless the master gets pats chem will need something to attend it on.