
MUT tokens vs. player exchange vs. TP

How are you guys dealing with these sets? Do you use the player exchanges or turn the players in for tokens to use in heavyweights and flashbacks sets. Or do you just QS your players for TP? Trying to decide the best value for the players that don't make my lineup and am interested in how others are approaching it.


Quote from LuckyLindy84 >> Quote from Linte_Loco >> I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble

You're not wrong. It definitely proved to be true last year. However, I am wondering if cards may stay expensive all year due to the fact that they can be Quicksold for Training Points, something that definitely wasn't the case last year.


Quote from Linte_Loco >> I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble

You're not wrong. It definitely proved to be true last year. However, I am wondering if cards may stay expensive all year due to the fact that they can be Quicksold for Training Points, something that definitely wasn't the case last year.


Value assessment is fairly difficult in this game.  I assume it isn’t too far off from stock brokering. Either you have insider info, or are really good with predictions. Otherwise you’re just rolling dice.  That being said, I try to hold onto things that may be more valuable one day, like power ups for players likely to get upgrades. I try to use my nats either in sets or players I use.  I check the price and if the coin per tp ratio is high enough I sell. I only quicksell players if I need training at that time. And I only quicksell players that have low tp to coin ratios. I mainly snipe for these.


Heavyweight packs are where I send all of my NAT players.. They have a reduced amount for TP if they are NAT.. Depends on if you need something to help you now, or just looking to do a little bit of gambling.. I owe a large portion of my coins/assets to some crazy lucky pulls out of Heavyweight packs.


Quote from CloudBC >> Quote from Linte_Loco >> Quote from CloudBC >>


Quote from Linte_Loco >> Quote from CloudBC >> Quote from Linte_Loco >> I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble


Quote from CloudBC >> Quote from Linte_Loco >> I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble

 I like this approach, but do you really think an elite token requirement will change? Makes no sense 

 They have before. Every time they update it. It takes more cards. Read the description on the elite tokens as well as the FB sets


Quote from Linte_Loco >> I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble

 I like this approach, but do you really think an elite token requirement will change? Makes no sense


I’m stacking elite tokens. Set requirements will change. It will never be easier than now. 5 mill investment. Long term gamble


That certainly makes sense, but I’m really interested in how others are approaching these and why. Any insight is appreciated.


If you need coins: sell all players  if you don’t need coins: qS for TP,  if you don’t give a fook: flashback set