Yeah I had to solo the last one I played. Both people quit within 5 mins of the game. I don’t get it.
Quote from CidDeuce78 >> The only way your getting a wait time is because you have quit a bunch of times. As in, you have quit a lot of times. That is the only way you get that message for wait times.
Bingo. The op must have quit a bunch in the past. I've never quit and I dont have that problem. My buddy who did that quit thing even when he finishes a game with me he has to wait to do another one. So OP you have nobody to blame but yourself.
The only way your getting a wait time is because you have quit a bunch of times. As in, you have quit a lot of times. That is the only way you get that message for wait times.
I did not have this issue on XB1. If I complete a game it lets me go right into the next one. And I usually play all three games by myself because the other two guys almost always quit after the kick off.
Is this some kind of Fkn Joke???
I completed the all Madden hard Challenge beating CPU 10-7 playing the entire game & defensive guy stayed in as well but the head coach quit at kickoff
after this game ended I went to play Medium change & a messege pop up saying I
Had to wait 32 minutes to play Medium challenge ok fine
I finally play & complete the full game of medium challenge Winning 6-0
Again me & the defensive guy stayed & HC quit at kickoff
Exit game & now I have to wait 40 minutes just to play the rookie challenge
What kind of hot garbege is this whoever added this at EA should be FIRED
So how it's gonna take 3+ hours + time it takes to complete the game just to get all 3 challenges done
If this is how it's gonna be every week alot of people myself included will boycott this mode
If this is how you plan to fix people quitting I got news for u its not working because people are still quitting after kickoff