Well after being off the console all day after this morning issue its a done deal pretty much still NO Smith on my account.Thanks again everyone and hope you all have a blessed weekend.
Quote from markhunz >> I tried to laugh when it happened but i cant post on their stream because it wont let me verify my twitch account. I have tried to have the email to do it sent to me a bunch including this week and it wont do it. I bet i would be in the same boat if they somehow picked me. But they probably cant see me anyway.
Oh well like i said it is what it is and nothing i can really do about it its just one of those things i guess.And most are going to believe what they want to believe anyways but have a great & blessed weekend.
I tried to laugh when it happened but i cant post on their stream because it wont let me verify my twitch account. I have tried to have the email to do it sent to me a bunch including this week and it wont do it. I bet i would be in the same boat if they somehow picked me. But they probably cant see me anyway.
Quote from bmp83 >> Not denying he deserves one but that was about as random as looking at a list and picking the person ya want to win. In other words not random at all.
:lol: Then how come i do not have the card as of an hour ago before i signed off the console.
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from ncinqueg >> Quote from alleneburch >> Did you get him Slammer?
Quote from ncinqueg >> Quote from alleneburch >> Did you get him Slammer?
doesn't sound like it...
Not as of an hour ago when i sighed off to have lunch with the wife and no word from anyone at EA either.I'll check again later.
Quote from TatermanWCheese >> #JUSTICEFORSLAMMER
Na its all good man no worries it is what it is and "I'll live"i guess thanks anyway brother.Have a great & blessed weekend though everyone.
Hey guys just want to thank those of you in here sticking up for me it means the world.I hope you all have a wonderful & blessed weekend and best of luck with the new content.God bless always.
Quote from Stonington >> He will get it. They gave away 3 instead of 2 to make sure he gets his.
Checked my accounts and none of them have it so we'll see.
Quote from crzysportsfan26 >> That's weird why they would call your name tho out of the people they had if you weren't following lol... that doesn't make sense. Wouldn't you have to be following for you to even get picked in the first place?
I would think so but i had NO follow button which means i already was a follower.
That's weird why they would call your name tho out of the people they had if you weren't following lol... that doesn't make sense. Wouldn't you have to be following for you to even get picked in the first place?
Quote from C7Susb9 >> Quote from Slammer4244 >> Its all good i reached out to Kraelo and if they fix it they fix it if not oh well they don't i guess.
yeah, I knew there was no way you weren't following that channel. I hope everything works out for ya, appreciate all you do on here
Yeah man that was crazy but we'll see what happens i guess.Tbh now i doubt anything gets done but why would i even lie about something like that.Anyways we'll see what happens.
Quote from Drew_412 >> So youre following but they said you arent. Thats not cool...
Yes sir i have been but it is what it is i guess.
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Its all good i reached out to Kraelo and if they fix it they fix it if not oh well they don't i guess.
yeah, I knew there was no way you weren't following that channel. I hope everything works out for ya, appreciate all you do on here
Slammer won a giveaway on the EA twitch stream and they said he couldn't win because he wasn't following the channel. Hopefully the dude gets his Telvin, he's done a lot for the community and is super active on here