Quote from diimsday1044 >> I haven’t spent since Madden 15 I only play the seasons I get the game as a gift not being able to spend makes it harder to compete and less enjoyable spending makes me feel stupid and ripped off not great choices
I have never heard this summed up better.
I haven’t spent since Madden 15 I only play the seasons I get the game as a gift not being able to spend makes it harder to compete and less enjoyable spending makes me feel stupid and ripped off not great choices
Quote from djk4242 >> $0 92 overall team
Do you do seasons, WL, SCAP, Drafts?
like 10 Grand. Still have an 88 OVR team with a guaranteed 8-17 record in WL :cool:
If GT come out I might spend 1k more.
Life is good.
Quote from Wicked_Shadows >> Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Since this thread popped up again, I figured I’d jump back in.
Its no ones business how you or any other human spend their money.
Learn boundaries friends, it makes life easier.
Ladies and gentlemen this right here is absolute truth!
0. I even got madden for free lmao. Not giving money to a horrible company and game
Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Since this thread popped up again, I figured I’d jump back in.
Its no ones business how you or any other human spend their money.
Learn boundaries friends, it makes life easier.
Ladies and gentlemen this right here is absolute truth! To be honest, the mods here should Consider threads like these spam because straight up who really cares and if they do they got bigger problems rofl! Threads like this shouldn't be here for real.
Quote from docMavvie >> If the game was any good, I would have spent a lot. But it’s not so, 19$ for level packs at the very beginning of the season. And still regretting it
To use your words...that's nuffin to regret!!!
If the game was any good, I would have spent a lot. But it’s not so, 19$ for level packs at the very beginning of the season. And still regretting it
Quote from TheMidwayMonsters >> Since this thread popped up again, I figured I’d jump back in.
Its no ones business how you or any other human spend their money.
Learn boundaries friends, it makes life easier.
Thanks for sharing your opinion!! Since this post was dug from the grave lol
Since this thread popped up again, I figured I’d jump back in.
Its no ones business how you or any other human spend their money.
Learn boundaries friends, it makes life easier.
Quote from AirRaidAssassin >> I appreciate people who spend money on the game. They make it so I dont have to spend money on the game to have a great team. Money spenders flood the market and keep card prices low for the most part. There will always be the dbags who buy up cards at teh top of the market and fix the prices out of the reach of you and I and other casuals but you just have to wait for cards to come down eventually
nice point!!
Quote from heatskgmissile >> Someone on this forum is trying to win a $6 raffle for being EA employee of the month.
Not including the game purchase or the online service lol!
me first: about $20 so far