I run the panthers playbook and use a lot of short-intermediate crossing routes. Currently I have a NAT core elite Olsen and full legend Gonzalez. Gonzalez plays great for me but I’m considering selling in order to max out chems with TD. I have 300k and if I sell Gonzo I can buy the TD Olsen or Kelce. Right now I’m maxed out west coast and tier 5 go deep. A lot of my formations use 2 or 3 TE’s. So my thought right now is sell Gonzo, get TD kelce or Olsen as well as TD walker. That will give me +4 go deep so I’ll just be 1 away from maxing that as well. Any advice on who to choose between Kelce and Olsen? I’m leaning Olsen right now for his clutch trait but kelce has better run blocking
edit: here is a copy of my lineup if that helps with any advice or input
I run the panthers playbook and use a lot of short-intermediate crossing routes. Currently I have a NAT core elite Olsen and full legend Gonzalez. Gonzalez plays great for me but I’m considering selling in order to max out chems with TD. I have 300k and if I sell Gonzo I can buy the TD Olsen or Kelce. Right now I’m maxed out west coast and tier 5 go deep. A lot of my formations use 2 or 3 TE’s. So my thought right now is sell Gonzo, get TD kelce or Olsen as well as TD walker. That will give me +4 go deep so I’ll just be 1 away from maxing that as well. Any advice on who to choose between Kelce and Olsen? I’m leaning Olsen right now for his clutch trait but kelce has better run blocking
edit: here is a copy of my lineup if that helps with any advice or input