
Special Teams Ability

I have Devin Hester, and I’m wondering if I activate his ability as a special teams ability, will I still get to use the human joystick, jukebox, and spin cycle that is on him?

And if I do this do I still get three other X Factor/ability players on offense?

Thanks for the feedback

Quote from JordanF0705 >> I used him for a little bit with human joystick and what not.... but so many people kick off to the up man more times than not, so i just didn’t see the point in using an ability slot on him to barely get to use him on kickoffs and punt returns. 

 Yeah, I kind of think the same way right now.


I had the same issue with Deion Sanders......Even though I already have him activated as a player on defense anyway...I wanted to use that 3rd ability slot for something other than Return Man.(I have Man Up, Acrobat and Universal Coverage on him) so I swapped it out....and like other poster stated...most people kick straight to your FB using up that ability slot seems like a waste. (to me....might be worth it to you)


I used him for a little bit with human joystick and what not.... but so many people kick off to the up man more times than not, so i just didn’t see the point in using an ability slot on him to barely get to use him on kickoffs and punt returns.

Quote from JordanF0705 >> Quote from kanemochi34 >> Basically the way you activate abilities on him on special teams is you use "Return Man" as one of his abilities..and activate him on offense as one of your 3 players with abilities...and then he will have Return Man when you have him as your returner. 

 this.... but you’re taking up an offensive ability to use him on special teams.


Quote from kanemochi34 >> Basically the way you activate abilities on him on special teams is you use "Return Man" as one of his abilities..and activate him on offense as one of your 3 players with abilities...and then he will have Return Man when you have him as your returner. 

 this.... but you’re taking up an offensive ability to use him on special teams.


Basically the way you activate abilities on him on special teams is you use "Return Man" as one of his abilities..and activate him on offense as one of your 3 players with abilities...and then he will have Return Man when you have him as your returner.


i don't think Hester has the option to be activated as a special team player.