
These gauntlet full games are making me feel like a scrub.

I'm onto the 4th game and have been getting so frustrated. Yeah, yeah, the usual cheese - run the wildcat, run PA crossers, etc. There is no way these are only pro - comp. I am getting screwed over left and right (88 ovr team) and its crazy. I can usually move the ball and get close on the objectives but fall short for some reason...

well the last game I was playing was going great - turnovers, rush yards, passing TDs.... I'm up 14-0 , and notice the objective says score #/27 points... and it was at 8.... wtf? So if I would get stuffed at the goal line I would settle for field goals. I ended up scoring 3 passing tds, and had like 30 points or something. Not sure exactly where it was at nearing the end, but I had all the objectives done expect points.... get a late INT.... chew the clock, and then get stuffed in the red zone because wide open 4 possession catches in a row get dropped.... what is that shit?! So then  I even force a safety, get the ball back only needing 1 point to hit the obj. and what do you know, first pass play... sacked as soon as I'm even set to throw it.  Fun times EA, thanks.

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