
Does uniform/stadium/coach chem work in squads?

i have tier 3 Seahawks passing chem as well as tier 6 go deep and west coast. I play offense on squads, and when I view the merged lineup it shows my tier 6 west coast but only tier 4 go deep and no Seahawks passing. I have 10 go deep on my uniforms and all of the Seahawks passing between coach and stadium. When in the actual games it still shows my Russell Wilson as a 90 even though he shows 89 on the merged squad lineup. He is a 90 in my personal lineup screen after all of my chems are added to him. I hope this isn’t to confusing, I tried searching for the answer but couldn’t find a definitive answer. So long story short, do I still get the chem benefits even if it doesn’t show up on the merged squad lineup page?


If you play OC, you only benefit from your own offense chems, and the HC coach/jersey/stadium.  

Say the HC has t6 West coast, but only 10 of it from the jerseys.  You will only be boosted the 10x from jersey