..Its the little things haha, It only took over a year. still some people believe this company is capable of implenting high-tec dda technology and such in the game
But Kaepernick’s teammate truly believed that he still had what it takes to bring his team to a Super Bowl...
Quote from womeldas >> I have completely tuned out the ticker. I didn’t even know it was still there
Same here.
Quote from docMavvie >> “Robert Griffin 3 isn’t giving up on his NFL career”. I have nightmares for this sentence
Lol! Yeah, that one got pretty boring.
Quote from mbl0188 >> I’m still waiting for them to update the database for the Muthead app...
might as well uninstall it. Rockets said he has no plans of updating the app
Oh fudge, I was rooting for RG3, I hate too see someone give up on their NFL careers.
I have completely tuned out the ticker. I didn’t even know it was still there
Don't like it... Living in Europe, I got to watch the night games the next morning. Hate to have to avoid to look at that line to not see the scores before I watch the match
Did they actually update the bottom ticker on the MUT screens!? I’m reading stories on there that aren’t from 2017 training camp! Oh it’s the little things in life I tell ya.....