
Does rodgers release

Make a big difference?  don't like him as a player, but I will use him if it means I can get my passes off quicker against these losers who think blitzing 7-8 every play is skillful.


Sounds like you need to change how you handle blitz happy people, not change cards. Just find a scheme to handle the heat and/or get passes out quickly. If it's cover 0 plays you get burnt by find a form you can max protect and have equal blockers out of. Quick outs or flats can be useful. Bubble or screen passes, WR screen... Many ways to handle the heat and burn em back bud.


Yeah it makes a huge difference to the point I think his 91 is still a top 3 QB.


It’s noticeably quicker on the deep balls and especially shorter throws, it’s literally not wind up just a seemingly flick of the wrist. On the run it’s the same as other QBs


Dang I didn’t think you thought I was a loser nick lol 😂


I’ve played with many qbs in this game.. and his release is drastically better. I highly recommend you trying it yourself so you can notice the timing difference. Sack numbers decrease forsure.


It’s faster for sure.  But not game changing.  Maybe a game changing at first.


Lol This game let's you block?


Why not just block them? =P