Just bought GT Kyle Fuller for ~1million coins, and that basically completes my defense for the year I think. After I put him in the lineup, I realized that I have a 99OVR player now at every defensive position. GT Trubisky, GT Floyd and GT Fuller now! MUT18 season has officially ended!! :D Although... If they do Rookie Premiere, I'd probably have to go for Roquan Smith, haha. You can take a look here: NMS - MUT18 Squad
For real though, I asked on a previous thread, but I'd love to know from the community. What are you guys still playing MUT18 for? Are there any goals you're trying to hit? I doubt they make a 99OVR challenge this year, right?
I recently was pushing hard for ST, but now that I have him I haven't been grinding as hard. I'm still playing 18 for squads and hoping to get one GT before the year is over, not sure who though. I was thinking on going Moss, but than I'd never be able to use him. I'd want to get a GT I can user, otherwise what's the point.
Quote from dewillia16 >> I got fuller for 1.1 but im mad that Floyd's price has been rising makes me wish I would've jus bought them instead of tryin to pull them I wasted a mil in coins this week but im grinding squads for madden coach and jus to have fun I actually enjoy this game
Nice, bro! I got really lucky and pulled GT Floyd from a WL Elite Tier pack earlier this week. Trubisky I definitely overspent a little on since he's around 900K right now. But, I have the coins to spare, and I wanted to have all the best Bears players available. Good luck getting Madden coach! Squads is the one mode I only did solely for the Ultimate Master objectives. I have Bears Team Training at tier 12, so it's kinda like Madden I guess without the speed boost.
Quote from iinvaliid >> I ask myself every time I turn the game on why I am still playing. I do enjoy the game for the most part but I do not agree with some of the mechanics of this years games.
It's pretty crazy though how much time this game can truly take up. I'm definitely gonna take a step back after this year, reflect, and decide whether I'm gonna go as hard in MUT19.
I got fuller for 1.1 but im mad that Floyd's price has been rising makes me wish I would've jus bought them instead of tryin to pull them I wasted a mil in coins this week but im grinding squads for madden coach and jus to have fun I actually enjoy this game
Just bought GT Kyle Fuller for ~1million coins, and that basically completes my defense for the year I think. After I put him in the lineup, I realized that I have a 99OVR player now at every defensive position. GT Trubisky, GT Floyd and GT Fuller now! MUT18 season has officially ended!! :D Although... If they do Rookie Premiere, I'd probably have to go for Roquan Smith, haha. You can take a look here: NMS - MUT18 Squad
For real though, I asked on a previous thread, but I'd love to know from the community. What are you guys still playing MUT18 for? Are there any goals you're trying to hit? I doubt they make a 99OVR challenge this year, right?