
Sold everything I could and only went down 1 overall after doing some power-ups

So I greatly modified my current team and wanted to make a NAT team.  I had a lot of NATs that weren't getting any playing time and they were only slight downgrades, so I decided to sell everything I could and do some power-ups.  My team is all NAT except for P/K.  I ended up selling my sellable pieces for just over 5 mil and did some power-ups. After doing all of the power-ups that I wanted to, I still had some coins left so I bought Shazier off of AH and gave him away on Saturday night.  I do still have my all Bengals team.  I didn't incorporate any of them (unless they were NAT) into my current lineup though.  I went from a 98 overall to a 97 overall, but the team is a lot more fun to play with and I don't have to worry about buying any more cards this year unless I want to power them up or they are Bengals players so I can upgrade that team.  Go through your binders and see what kind of NATs you have laying around.  You'd be surprised.

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