
I’ve never played a mut year as bad as this

This easiest by far  the worst yearEVER!!!  everything is so inconsistent !!’ I don’t even feel like I have 99 cards on my team just got a golden ticket DT haven’t seen them do a thing in 5 games !!! all year other than Bo Jackson and Barry Sanders no card has jumped out the way mut cards used to make you feel!!! they have totally ruined this game by the nerfing  of the defense making op and  running OP and the passing is so bad where guys just dropped passes left and right !!!  Then any defense player with 15 or 20 catch stats lower than 99  will get any INT in traffic then when you get an INT your guy stops for second and almost turns around !!!  I hate this game I really do


This easiest by far  the worst yearEVER!!!  everything is so inconsistent !!’ I don’t even feel like I have 99 cards on my team just got a golden ticket DT haven’t seen them do a thing in 5 games !!! all year other than Bo Jackson and Barry Sanders no card has jumped out the way mut cards used to make you feel!!! they have totally ruined this game by the nerfing  of the defense making op and  running OP and the passing is so bad where guys just dropped passes left and right !!!  Then any defense player with 15 or 20 catch stats lower than 99  will get any INT in traffic then when you get an INT your guy stops for second and almost turns around !!!  I hate this game I really do


Quote from Dreverse >> Flaws?? You call this trash flaws!!! Company makes literally 500 million a year and they can’t fix a game that is little more than mechanics and players on a field while other games make these massive worlds and ea  recycles same cards same game little tweaks and   Their philosophy is  “ hey whatever will patch it “. They never cared about dc glitches or did a thing on the 360 or ps!!! They allowed this game to be a mess for years now that there making money on mut they “ suddenly “ care about dc only bc if there esports but the game still sucks , packs are WAY WAY overpriced and the cards your paying  for whether it’s for coins or money they’re not even yours !!! you’ll get banned if you trade or sell them or give them to anybody .  This design team is a joke ....totally ruined mut


Flaws?? You call this trash flaws!!! Company makes literally 500 million a year and they can’t fix a game that is little more than mechanics and players on a field while other games make these massive worlds and ea  recycles same cards same game little tweaks and   Their philosophy is  “ hey whatever will patch it “. They never cared about dc glitches or did a thing on the 360 or ps!!! They allowed this game to be a mess for years now that there making money on mut they “ suddenly “ care about dc only bc if there esports but the game still sucks , packs are WAY WAY overpriced and the cards your paying  for whether it’s for coins or money they’re not even yours !!! you’ll get banned if you trade or sell them or give them to anybody .  This design team is a joke ....totally ruined mut


Quote from Dreverse >> This easiest by far  the worst yearEVER!!!  everything is so inconsistent !!’ I don’t even feel like I have 99 cards on my team just got a golden ticket DT haven’t seen them do a thing in 5 games !!! all year other than Bo Jackson and Barry Sanders no card has jumped out the way mut cards used to make you feel!!! they have totally ruined this game by the nerfing  of the defense making op and  running OP and the passing is so bad where guys just dropped passes left and right !!!  Then any defense player with 15 or 20 catch stats lower than 99  will get any INT in traffic then when you get an INT your guy stops for second and almost turns around !!!  I hate this game I really do


There are flaws every year but IMO in the 4 years I’ve played MUT this one has been the best overall. Content has gotten worse than year past but at least we aren’t dealing with pause glitches, swerves and ridiculous agg catches.


Just play a guy where the center by mistake snaps the ball and took off running by himself dude look so fast  this game is trash 4real


I always hold out hope that the next years madden will improve. Lol


The game is BAD this year. Period. Giving them one more year of my money and if it doesn't get any better, I wont' be buying another Madden.


This is my first year playing MUT so I don't really have anything to compare this to but the 99's seem to play the way a lot of lesser cards do.  I can't notice a huge difference like I thought I would.  Maybe it is just that +1 or +2 stats don't matter or really make a difference.  At this point I don't have a desire to get a 99 OVR team because I don't think the difference will be noticeable over what I currently have.


Not to mention once the years over you can’t do anything with all these cards you got all these people are just plunked down all this money for golden tickets  for example and in a month what are you gonna do with that card ??   So the game is bad plus the pack odds are bad everything about the game is bad  from head to toe ..... it’s such a Nerfed game now the reason why people play this game still is because it’s the only football game to play.


I'm telling ya man, they need to throw the model of this game in the garbage and start over from scratch. They need to do so much to this game because all of the changes over the years have just compounded and now its gotten so far gone that its ridiculous. Gameplay has got to be #1 priority. Then for fuck sakes, up the pack odds a little to get rid of the millions of scammers. When you make it impossible to pull anything the scammers come out in droves, if they toned it Down just a little it wouldn't be so ridiculous. This is a football video game that's suppose to fun, Not a Vegas gambling game. Oh well, madden 19 sounds like there's some good ideas in it but I guess we'll find out soon enough.


Quote from SpellDX >> please just stop with these threads. if you hate it so much, just stop playing.



Quote from SpellDX >> please just stop with these threads. if you hate it so much, just stop playing.



Quote from SpellDX >> please just stop with these threads. if you hate it so much, just stop playing.

Please stop complaining about complaining. Threads are meant for various topics. Dont like something dont be lazy. Scroll down.


Sounds like you should find something else to do with your spare time. If you hate the game this much, but you still play... what does that say about you? The game is always gonna have flaws, but it's just as much a problem with everybody trying to find any little glitch to get an advantage.


Quote from Dreverse >> Yes it does happen but in all fairness this should not happen at all and the fact that it does  especially with the  design team and I might add the only  design team that makes  a football game  which makes even more frustrating to deal with. The game just sucks minute your beating the crap out of someone the next your “ great “ hb or wr is fumbling your opponent has suddenly become good. I literally seen RG bo Jackson with 93 speed  run to make a block on a pitch and at the very last second with the guy right in front of him turn and go to knowhere or just look like he’s going to block but nor does  so I said OK I’ll try out the 98 rg  guy from the Redskins ....same thing.


Last years game was worse imo I stopped playing  early


Yes it does happen but in all fairness this should not happen at all and the fact that it does  especially with the  design team and I might add the only  design team that makes  a football game  which makes even more frustrating to deal with. The game just sucks minute your beating the crap out of someone the next your “ great “ hb or wr is fumbling your opponent has suddenly become good. I literally seen RG bo Jackson with 93 speed  run to make a block on a pitch and at the very last second with the guy right in front of him turn and go to knowhere or just look like he’s going to block but nor does  so I said OK I’ll try out the 98 rg  guy from the Redskins ....same thing.   Run plays up the middle....(  usually see this happen up against Tampa 2 ) my center it locked up with the defender you see a gap to hit  there’s 3 man def line and then suddenly when the half back is in that same direction that the center is he then is totally ignored and the half back is tackled !!! explain to me how does that happen ?? if two 250 pound guys are fighting with each other how in a split second can you just grab a half back  of such strength and just take them down instantly ?   This game is straight up trash when it comes to gameplay mechanics .


The CB thing is the AI getting confused with input.... because when the screen changes direction you also need to change direction on the stick or just let it go for that split second while the screen is changing... it is a user thing... clunky game design no doubt, but it is still user controlled.  It is completely possible to have smooth CB int returns.


Quote from simplegreen808 >> You were making the same threads last year.  Except for that time your friend gave you his team, at which point, you changed your stance and said the game was so much fun.
