
If you are about to buy packs from EA read this first. I will buy you whatever you are trying to get.

I want to take a little money out of EA's pockets, so if you were planning on buying packs this weekend for the new promo reply to this thread and I will attempt to buy whatever you want with coins and get it to you.  EA ripped me off and took all my coins giving me 2K elites in every clutch pack, then ends competitive play for no reason.

Eat it EA.


I want to take a little money out of EA's pockets, so if you were planning on buying packs this weekend for the new promo reply to this thread and I will attempt to buy whatever you want with coins and get it to you.  EA ripped me off and took all my coins giving me 2K elites in every clutch pack, then ends competitive play for no reason.

Eat it EA.


Quote from moores4 >> I suggest you should have read my thread on EOMM before opening that many packs.   The thing is when you are opening packs and it is going bad, there isn't a better chance for it to get better - the opposite is true.



I would request Golden Ticket CB Randy Moss and I would love you long time


I suggest you should have read my thread on EOMM before opening that many packs.   The thing is when you are opening packs and it is going bad, there isn't a better chance for it to get better - the opposite is true.


Ya that sucks man, feel your pain.  Spent 1.5 million this weekend on packs and didn't pull anything, highest was a 90 card, so feel your pain.  Don't think EA really cares about it's fans either as long as they are raking in some heavy wads of cash.


i was gonna buy packs to build Movers Marquette King but if you want to buy him for me that would be cool


Do anything for GT Shazier!


Quote from jakep316 >>

Quote from IIBruceLeeRoyII >> Give the guy a break he doesn't know who planned on buying packs. Maybe he changes it to a giveaway maybe not. People here won't lose anything either way.

Personally, I will lose all faith in not only the OP but humanity in general.


Quote from jakep316 >>

Quote from IIBruceLeeRoyII >> Give the guy a break he doesn't know who planned on buying packs. Maybe he changes it to a giveaway maybe not. People here won't lose anything either way.

Personally, I will lose all faith in not only the OP but humanity in general.


Quote from IIBruceLeeRoyII >> Give the guy a break he doesn't know who planned on buying packs. Maybe he changes it to a giveaway maybe not. People here won't lose anything either way.

Personally, I will lose all faith in not only the OP but humanity in general.


Give the guy a break he doesn't know who planned on buying packs. Maybe he changes it to a giveaway maybe not. People here won't lose anything either way.


Quote from suppastunna28 >> I'm pretty sure the OP has understandably changed his mind about this guys.

imo OP is a huge jerk if he doesn't come through at this point


I'm pretty sure the OP has understandably changed his mind about this guys.


I'm trying real hard to get the CB Moss golden ticket if that's possible! Thanks man! Also any current or former Patriots that may come out tmrw since I run an all time Pats team!   I was about to drop 100 bucks to get some more coins for it but if you wanna hook me up that would be amazing dude!


If they up the chance for GT CB moss or release UL Rodney I would.  Pats fan here


very nice of you..I wish i could say i was spending cash but i am not. Ea has burnt me hard in the past, now i just grind and work AH to slowly get a player.


Quote from MNPanthers >>

Quote from pwuj >> i wont spend money on this piece of crap unless its buying EA stock. haves with their hands out looking for free stuff. pathetic. Think of another way to achieve your goal OP. Your just going to get the "in for the giveaway" crowd.

I agree with you.  I have no way to tell if anyone was actually going to spend money.


Well I could use the help I was planing on using 20$ for the promo but I could buy a skin on Fortnite


Edit: OP full of crap. Most likely a little girl.


THATS Rough bro