
GT CB Moss Review

So, I got a few requests from some friends on my thoughts on GT Moss CB, so I thought I might as well write a review on him and post it on Muthead in case anyone else in the community is interested or wants advice before they spend over 2 million on him.  In case you do not want to read this whole thing, which I completely understand, I will summarize it as this.  Out of my entire defense, which includes GT Shazier, GT Fuller, Ray Lewis, MJG, and NTL, he is probably the best and my favorite player on my defense, that makes the least amount of plays.   This is not to say he is bad, but he is rarely thrown on, which I guess is the point of a corner.  In case you are curious on the various aspects and want something more in depth, I will break down this review into 3 parts: Run Support, Coverage (Man, Zone, Interceptions/Breakups), and Userability.  If you guys want me to go over anything else, hit me up or post in comment section.

Run Support: Moss is great in run support.  I have GT Fuller, NTL, and Woodson as my corners, and I believe Moss is probably the best in run support, followed closely behind by NTL (Fuller has honestly been disappointing in that regard).  Of course it shouldn’t come as a shock, he is 210 pounds, with 95 Block shed (99 when maxed) and out of my way chemistry.  He is really able to disengage off blocks and has the speed to chase down and stop the running back.  Although he does get pushed back by wide receivers, he is often able to disengage within 5 yards and go after the running back.  This is particularly helpful when your opponent runs stretch plays to his side.  As a result, my opponents often run the ball on the opposite side towards Fuller (who despite having a 99 rating by Muthead in run support is significantly worse than the 96 Moss, probably because he does not have OMW).

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