I’m gonna try pressing that triangle sooner. Playing solos definitely hurt you when you play online. Solos I can press it when the ball is there, online shazier just stands there and watches the ball go by. Thanks for the help
Quote from natenator76 >>
Quote from ksanGOLD >> its positioning mainly. having someone 6"3'+ will make a world of a difference. you hold triangle down when you would press the button to throw to a receiver as the qb. i have a few montages on my channel. just look at the positioning. i like to stay somewhere around 5yds ahead of the throw. also... be facing the qb.
Quote from ksanGOLD >> its positioning mainly. having someone 6"3'+ will make a world of a difference. you hold triangle down when you would press the button to throw to a receiver as the qb. i have a few montages on my channel. just look at the positioning. i like to stay somewhere around 5yds ahead of the throw. also... be facing the qb.
That's impressive. I can barely cover an area by usering and you out here taking away 2 and 3 routes with one player lol
Fuck I suck
its positioning mainly. having someone 6"3'+ will make a world of a difference. you hold triangle down when you would press the button to throw to a receiver as the qb. i have a few montages on my channel. just look at the positioning. i like to stay somewhere around 5yds ahead of the throw. also... be facing the qb.
Gotta hit the button earlier... closer to qb release as someone else mentioned. Some players will bail you out if you press late (like GT Shaz).
Quote from mjutton1 >> i often user my LB, either Shazier or Von. Thing is, when I get a pass thrown right to wherever I’m at the ball just sails over me. I press triangle to grab it and my guy does nothing. Is it timing? Usually I press it soon as the ball gets to me, is that right? Or is there a delay or something I have to do it as soon as I see it coming my way?
Height and jump plays a big factor and usering takes alot of patience and practice
Quote from mjutton1 >> i often user my LB, either Shazier or Von. Thing is, when I get a pass thrown right to wherever I’m at the ball just sails over me. I press triangle to grab it and my guy does nothing. Is it timing? Usually I press it soon as the ball gets to me, is that right? Or is there a delay or something I have to do it as soon as I see it coming my way?
Waiting till it gets to you makes you not react to it because the ball at that point is already past you, you gotta go slightly before but not too early. Remember there's input delay sometimes as well.
Usering LB is a skill i definitely dont have. Can user safeties fine, but LBs i look like a retard. Lol
Gotta make sure ball hawk in your settings is turned on. Not sure exactly how or if it starts turned off but a couple of games I’ve went into and something feels way off and don’t get any animations and I will check and sometimes this feature has been turned off randomly.
its timing and height. I press triangle when the qb releases the ball, works for me.
I'd like to know as well. The ball could be thrown right to me and I still wouldn't catch it lol
i often user my LB, either Shazier or Von. Thing is, when I get a pass thrown right to wherever I’m at the ball just sails over me. I press triangle to grab it and my guy does nothing. Is it timing? Usually I press it soon as the ball gets to me, is that right? Or is there a delay or something I have to do it as soon as I see it coming my way?
i often user my LB, either Shazier or Von. Thing is, when I get a pass thrown right to wherever I’m at the ball just sails over me. I press triangle to grab it and my guy does nothing. Is it timing? Usually I press it soon as the ball gets to me, is that right? Or is there a delay or something I have to do it as soon as I see it coming my way?