Not sure, i built 4 this morning and still have 50 gold tokens left. Might build the coach and looking at odell. This promo was what i saved these for. Earlier silver tokens were cheaper to use than golds but that could have changed. This weekend uls will probably be the play. If they drop fap packs that will be cheapest for sure.
Get the coach and then work for whatever else you need...
The Coach will make the team you have now 100% better
Quote from bellyball422 >> I have 35 gold and 17 elite tokens is it better to sell them or put them in a exchange set for tickets?
Unless u going for coach check prices of buying player u want on ah i was sitting on 25 elites. Sold 10 at 70-75k. Bought Bell for 510K. other player looking at Conklin is 600k waiting for price to come down. Coach Peterson is around 2 mill so maybe cheaper to make him through tickets
Quote from jaybird13 >> I'd sell everything that goes into set pieces and wait for the next FAP weekend and pick up everyone you want cheap. They're going to spam those FAP packs now until MUT19 drops.
I don't think you're getting another FAP weekend. When those packs are available there were banners attached that said "this weekend only" (just my opinion).
I have 35 gold and 17 elite tokens is it better to sell them or put them in a exchange set for tickets?
Pederson is first priority. I'll buy the players with coins when I see deals.
I'd sell everything that goes into set pieces and wait for the next FAP weekend and pick up everyone you want cheap. They're going to spam those FAP packs now until MUT19 drops.
I basically cleaned out my binder and got 23 tickets spending no coin so I'm happy with that. I have 4M coins so im not too worried about making coin so im just gonna do some solos to get the coach and go from there
I haven't had a chance to break it down but would like to hear what everyone is doing.
I haven't had a chance to break it down but would like to hear what everyone is doing.