
Coach Peterson Worth it?

How good is he and does he make a big difference?  I only got 500k right now but think can build him so just curious how he is for you guys.


New game comes out in a couple of a months and they just released a card that gives you +2 speed. Yes, I would say that is definitely worth it.


He is a gamechanger,especialy on defense.I feel like i hold a advantage in every h2h game i play.


I didn’t feel he was. I built him for around 80k using everything I had in my binder. Played a couple games and didn’t see a difference that justified the price right now. Sold him for 1.4 mil. Ended up buying UL Rice, SBB Staley, and PH Kern and am still sitting on what I had before I built him.


100% without a doubt


Absolutely!! Must own at this point


Yes.  If you have a decent team he is.


Game changer


How good is he and does he make a big difference?  I only got 500k right now but think can build him so just curious how he is for you guys.