
Does anyone remember Draft Duels in MUT13?

Why can’t we get something cool like that?  Same idea as MutDraft just better in pretty much every way.  If you didn’t play it it was basically mut draft except you and your opponent would pick players from the same board.  Rewards were flashback cards which were really sweet as they gave stat boosts (same as motivators ie) +1 tackle, +1 speed ect).


Quote from News_Feeds1234 >> Quote from Charlie_Hussell >> They could never get it right... It was constantly down from what I remember.

 They didn’t try to get it right from what I remember. it was up for 1 or 2 days then they took it out and never put it back in. lots had the opinion that they realized how profitable it was for people (free entry I believe?) and then took it out.


Quote from nflfan75 >> Good rewards for free and not much time hence why its gone

 You kept the cards even if you lost. So people were just taking the rarest cards then quitting 😂😂

Goat mode tbh but It had to go. Mut champs is basically It.


Good rewards for free and not much time hence why its gone


Yup u won some of the cards u played against too good to be true EA wasn't having that lol


Quote from Charlie_Hussell >> They could never get it right... It was constantly down from what I remember.

 They didn’t try to get it right from what I remember. it was up for 1 or 2 days then they took it out and never put it back in. lots had the opinion that they realized how profitable it was for people (free entry I believe?) and then took it out.

Wow I forgot about motivators lol now you made me think think of campus heroes too. Used to be more variety


They could never get it right... It was constantly down from what I remember.