
EA Customer Service

So I go to EAs website and find the chat button.

I can go into my MUT account and get to front page. When I try to load a game I get this message: Our servers cannot process your request at this time, please try again later. I think nothing of it and thought maybe the servers were down.

I go to a farm account and that was working flawlessly. 

I get this nice lady named Ishita who obviously struggles with english and reading comprehension. Not her fault, she is doing her best and EA has outsourced their call center and chat help to the other side of the world. 

I explain to her my problem. Every time she asks me a question and I respond it takes her 5 minutes to respond which makes me think she is trying to address other gamers issues as well as mine so not only can she not understand what I'm saying but she is probably juggling multiple issues with multiple people. She said she was sorry that I'm experiencing these issues and will look into it.

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