This is too easy! When you're on defense just press right on the d-pad then up, which will make the d-line spread and it will easily stop an inside run, and qb runs like, qb draw, and qb sneak.
I spy a guy and click the right stick after the snap when I see it. Seems to work pretty well.
5 wide sets I always go cover 0. Dont press. Pass commit. Play dbs inside to take away quick slant. Nothing else will have time to get open if it's a pass.
Sounds like there really isn't any 1 great scheme against it though. Kinda sad because theres not much more frustrating than someone who spams it every other play. only to stop them half the time. I played a guy doing it with GT Lamar.....his carrying is so high it doesn't even matter if you hit stick them, my eyes bled that game.
qb contain your ends and take your MLb and back him up about 3-4 additional yards on the snap run through the open hole in the middle ... just like stopping rb draws. with the qb draw there is a hesitations most of the time, if you hit the gap you will blow it up in the backfield
and when your opponent sees you shooting through they will hit turbo 99% of the time and the contained ends will blockshed to the outside.. this is the most consistent way to me with out sacrificing your pass defense..
User MLB and straight knock them on their ass for thinking they can get away with running that lol
Typically I can spot a person that I think is going to use QB Draws, by just looking at the QB. If I see Mike Vick for instance, I just put on my QB spy every single play with a good speed (preferably ST chemmed)D-Line. But even then this play has burned me in the past, gotta have some luck on your side.
best method thats worked for me is Pass rush Conservative, Qb option conservative and DT on spy.
i send the dogs if their five wide, i dont care how many people are in coverage, eventually i will get a sack and force a third and long at some point. Just user their first read if they decide to pass the ball
Only play that can consistently stop qb draw is cross fire out of dollar
if you are in a 34 pb, 34 odd cross fire also works if you base align
sending extra blitzers from the side the qb runs to helps as well
Quote from ThermonuclearDud >> Set Pass Rush to conservative, and click down on your right stick at the snap.
This works well.
Quote from ckog44 >> if my opponent comes out in an emtpy set i automatically assume its a QB draw so i just put one of my D lineman in a spy as soon as the ball is hiked the spy comes off the line and sits in right in the middle
I do this as well or Ill come out in 3-3-5 and spy my LOLB...
if my opponent comes out in an emtpy set i automatically assume its a QB draw so i just put one of my D lineman in a spy as soon as the ball is hiked the spy comes off the line and sits in right in the middle
Set Pass Rush to conservative, and click down on your right stick at the snap.
Other than calling run commit I can't figure out how to stop this. Tips are greatly appreciated!