
Surprised there isn’t s power up trade in set..

surprised EA doesn’t make a trade in set for these powered up guys like Marcus Peters, linval Joseph, etc I’m sure there are a lot of people stuck with some of  these final power ups thinking WTF I can’t even sell this card and it’s not even usable at this point


It sure would be nice


Quote from ncinqueg >> not surprised....those that did PU's knew from the beginning they'd be worthless.

yes but we also thought they would finish it properly like my lev'bell for ex. I have a 98 PU and now a 99 and the 98 sits in my binder maybe if we knew they were gonna stop it early and not give every player a finish PU maybe we would of not done so many but we were under the impression that all the players we PUed would have a 99 PU at the end of the game so there you go


not surprised....those that did PU's knew from the beginning they'd be worthless.


I've been thinking this for awhile now


I think one will come with the last promo of the year.


I thought they'd have one to give Blockbuster tickets.


I'm not really understanding the slacking on this game it's been getting more and more every year I imagine this game makes them almost a billion a year but for some reason I hear these madden makers say they work 12 to 16 hours a day why makes no sense hire more people and stop being greedy F%$@S


We still may see something with power ups; at least I hope they put out a set of some sort.


agreed....or a set for BB trophys lol I held on to all my trophies thinking they'd do something with them for a NAT GT lol :)


Glad to see I wasn’t the only one - so many baffling things this year for sure (GOATs program, sketchy Power-Ups, lack of solos, etc) hope they learn from these things.


Definitely sucks. At least they're trying to do something about it for next year.


Quote from Quickwig >> I would even take a decent quicksell for them

IMO that’s the easiest and quickest fix


Ya jay Ajayi was a bust for me but that’s the market


Yup so pissed about JoeStaley. . Be nice If i could use the PU plus an elite token or something. But nope we're fucked .


They should put out some kind of power down like they plan on doing in 19 it would give them some kind of view on how it could play out in 19, shit I'll take just about any way to use these I have at the least 5 PUs I dont use anymore they are in my lineup but only see the field on spec teams


would have been nice




It was asked back in October. EA does not care.


Would be nice. Agreed.


I would even take a decent quicksell for them