
Easter Russell Wilson Reviews?

I played a couple of games against people who had him and it seemed like he could make all the throws. I even lost a few games to these players. I'm thinking about giving him a try but his throwing stats...Can anyone who has used him tell me how he actually plays for you?



His mid and short are alright, although his THP is too weak this late in the year in my opinion. Don't even attempt to deep ball or any kind of beater. It'll be eaten alive by the DB's in the game now. As a huge RW3 and Hawks fan I've got to say avoid this card, unless all you do is throw short, quick reads or read options, There's better options though to be honest. His play action and throw on the run are good but for me it was a bust. I didn't like this card, and I had him chemed up to 99. I found he fumbled a lot for me as well. 

Our only hope is a monster card down the line or a UT/GT.


I think you need the right play book for him. I like play actions that roll him out the pocket


He’s a short/mid guy all day.

Really high play action and throw on the run makes him fun.

I’ve beaten enough guys with 99’s on defense to roll with him the rest of the year probably. Deep throw is fine if a guys open. Nobody really throws deep like that anyways.


If you mostly run and toss the occasional close / middle pass, he’s fine. If you air it out a lot, that throw power is really a concern.


Deep ball throw he’s ass, but those middle and short throws are on point. He’s also really good at scrambling but the deep ball hurts him. Every deep ball he’s thrown has been int.


I don’t think he’s that bad especially for the price. His throw on the run is on point. He can make amazing throws while scrambling. Prob better than if he just stayed in the pocket. LoL


Don't try it. He's terrible. Whenever I play a Wilson, I smile.


I played a couple of games against people who had him and it seemed like he could make all the throws. I even lost a few games to these players. I'm thinking about giving him a try but his throwing stats...Can anyone who has used him tell me how he actually plays for you?
