Myself, 1234Ruined, Acura and LK all run squads together, but sometimes we need a 3rd to run offense, either ruined or myself run defense. please have a mic, we don't want anyone that gets mad over a game, we play to have fun, we don't make remarks to one another over a bad play. It is all for fun. We are on PS4 here is the defense I use, Ruined has a very similar defensive roster. If you wanna run with us lets us know.
Myself, 1234Ruined, Acura and LK all run squads together, but sometimes we need a 3rd to run offense, either ruined or myself run defense. please have a mic, we don't want anyone that gets mad over a game, we play to have fun, we don't make remarks to one another over a bad play. It is all for fun. We are on PS4 here is the defense I use, Ruined has a very similar defensive roster. If you wanna run with us lets us know.