
Master NTL PF or Toughness?

He already has 86BKS, 90 Tackle and 95 Hit Power so wouldnt necessarily need the boost. Toughness would give him +1SPD and I could finally get rid of that 93 Allen which I have in my lineup to get to tier 5😅


If he isn’t getting swerved with PF by moss Calvin or Carmichael then toughness shouldn’t matter too much.   I have considered the switch myself tho. I switched Sean Taylor to toughness this time.


The PF version works for me


Quote from pastacal >> He already has 86BKS, 90 Tackle and 95 Hit Power so wouldnt necessarily need the boost. Toughness would give him +1SPD and I could finally get rid of that 93 Allen which I have in my lineup to get to tier 5😅

I have him with PF. It will increase his run defense and hit power. Plus one speed is negligible


tbh i got PF because 99 POW on a CB is insane... not often does my 96 NTL get ran by and i dont see +1 speed making a difference


He already has 86BKS, 90 Tackle and 95 Hit Power so wouldnt necessarily need the boost. Toughness would give him +1SPD and I could finally get rid of that 93 Allen which I have in my lineup to get to tier 5😅