
Looking for some passing tips.

Past couple of weeks I’m having a hard time getting it to my guys for them to drop it. Trying to get back to the basics now and seeing if that will help. I do a lot of scanning the field after the snap, but am getting sacked cuz that takes to long. Also Finding myself bullet passing everything! So.... needs some help. What exactly does setting primary Reciever do? When you guys are passing, do you look at one WR from snap and wait til he is open, or do you scan the field. Also, how often do you bullet pass and lob pass?


Past couple of weeks I’m having a hard time getting it to my guys for them to drop it. Trying to get back to the basics now and seeing if that will help. I do a lot of scanning the field after the snap, but am getting sacked cuz that takes to long. Also Finding myself bullet passing everything! So.... needs some help. What exactly does setting primary Reciever do? When you guys are passing, do you look at one WR from snap and wait til he is open, or do you scan the field. Also, how often do you bullet pass and lob pass?