Quote from Intoda >> Helps my resolve to not buy it. Every year you build up a team, and each year we seem to get less and less content later in the year. I spend all year building up my team, and by the time it gets really good there is nothing to do. I really hope I can stick with my resolve and not buy next years game. It’s a bit tough cause it’s a game my son and I play together, but their nonsense just gets old.
I will I’ll say this. If I do end up getting the game, I have no reason to complain. I know what I’m getting into and it will be my own fault.
This is almost the same feeling I have at the moment. Finaly have a 97 team WITHOUT being those "multi" accounts type of teams and my only option is either solos I've finished already and online.
Yeah... people complain here no matter what happens to the game. Always have , always will
Why is Terrell Owens in a Cowboy uniform? He is a 49er... that is dumb. That's like saying Drew Bledsoe was a Cowboy. Did Owens play 2 seasons for Dallas? The most memorable Owens / Cowboys moment for me was Brock Marion leveling him during an attempted td celebration on the star... (as a 49er). Second is " boo-hoo ...thats my quarterback" lol
Quote from nehi79 >> People who play Madden every year like myself are going to pre order Madden 19 without looking at the gameplay. They are just marketing the game. There is nothing slick about that. I'm sure 2k or any game that comes out yearly does the same thing.
This lol, we may complain about the game a lot but we all know we are going to pre-order it the next year without thinking twice. I didn't even look at the features before I pre-ordered HOF Edition the day it was able to be pre-ordered
Quote from Aviator4621 >> The last 2 I got for free, but if my luck runs out, I'm not buying 19... end of story.
The last 2 I got for free, but if my luck runs out, I'm not buying 19... end of story.
Quote from 95127 >>
Quote from fiyaman93 >> tbh idc about getting Owens if the catching is going to be like this year.
Second the big surprise was a link to preorder madden 19 ? I swear this company is a complete joke it’s may for crying out loud nobody cares about madden 19 why would we preorder a game we’ve yet to see gameplay for. Ea thinks their slick and this is their marketing scheme for this year surprise everyone with TO so they can run and preorder
Quote from bildoba >>
Quote from nehi79 >> Idiots who play Madden every year like myself are going to pre order Madden 19 without looking at the gameplay. They are just marketing the game. There is nothing slick about that. I'm sure 2k or any game that comes out yearly does the same thing.
fixed your typo for you
tbh idc about getting Owens if the catching is going to be like this year.
Second the big surprise was a link to preorder madden 19 ? I swear this company is a complete joke it’s may for crying out loud nobody cares about madden 19 why would we preorder a game we’ve yet to see gameplay for. Ea thinks their slick and this is their marketing scheme for this year surprise everyone with TO so they can run and preorder how dumb do they think we are ?